Staff Management

Location: [Main Menu] > Staff Management

This project mainly manages user-related functions, such as user, department, leave records and other related data.

Remarks ● Required: This field value cannot be blank. ● Unique value: This field value must not be repeated with other data.

User management

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>User Management

All users of the system are managed here and divided into three categories: "Administrator, User, LDAP". The introduction is as follows:

User categories:

  1. Administrator: The user with the highest authority in the system. For details, please refer to the chapter [Personnel Management > Administrator Permissions].

  2. User: User created by OMFLOW itself.

  3. LDAP: Synchronize with the external LDAP system and create corresponding users. Some information such as password cannot be changed. For relevant details, please refer to the [Personnel Management > System Settings] chapter.

Add new user

Click the Add button at the top of the main screen, in which "Account, Password, Name, Email Address" are required fields. When adding a user here, the Password field is not restricted by rules.

Enable/disable user

Click the Status field of any user on the main screen list to enable or disable it. When the account is disabled, the following situations will occur:

● Unable to log in ● Not displayed in user and assign fields

Edit user

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>User Management>Any User

Click [User] on the User Management page to enter the user information interface. The following will introduce each tab:

Data settings

Click [User] on the User Management page to enter the user information interface. The following will introduce each tab:

  1. User Account: Also known as username, required, unique value, and cannot be modified.

  2. Password: User password. Only users with the Modify User permission can modify the passwords of other users here. General users please go to the top of the page>[User] ** To modify, required.

  3. Name: The user's identification name. This text will be displayed when querying the user in the "User, Assigned" field. It is required and is a non-unique value.

  4. E-mail address: When it comes to sending mails from the system, this is the receiving address. It is a required and unique value.

  5. Agent: You can select a user as your agent. The employee can switch identities through Top>[Agent Icon]. For details, please refer to [Homepage>Top of Page] 】chapter.

  6. Login page: Set the default homepage when users log in.

  7. Default Department: Select one of the user's departments as the representative department, and use this data as the starting point when Job Query.

  8. Department: Displays all departments of the user.

  9. Role: Displays all roles in use.

  10. Notification update frequency: Set the page refresh frequency of the OMFLOW system.

  11. Other fields: General text fields, only stored as user data.

Advanced Agent

When the signer of the scheduled approval form takes leave, if the user has set up "Advanced Agent", the approval form will be sent to the set agent.

  1. Job Agent: When the approval search object is Specific Job, it will be handed over to the designated user agent

  2. Approval Agent: When the approval is Specific Approval, it is handed over to the designated user agent

Sign-off email notification

Users can cancel the email notification sent by Specific Approval, and the default is to check all.

Leave records & agency records

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Leave Record

View the user's own leave records, or the record list of other users on behalf of others. You can check the boxes to decide which leave records to display. The introduction is as follows: ● Effective: Agency records that are on leave and the agency mechanism is in operation ● Not Valid: Agency records that have been established but have not yet occurred ● Expired: Agency records whose leave period has ended ● Cancellation: Canceled or in progress

Role management

In the OMFLOW system, all permissions are related to roles, and users must be associated with roles to inherit their permissions. Click the Add button at the top of the main screen to create a role.

Edit role

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Role Management>[Any Role]

Click the character field you want to edit in the list to enter the page to edit the character.

  1. Settings: Set the name and description of this character

  2. User: Check the users included in this role

  3. Permissions: Check the permissions possessed by this role

  4. Department: Check the departments included in this role

Important points to note: ※ The Save buttons of all tabs have independent functions. Please be sure to save after modification.

※ The Add permission of the custom form must be used in conjunction with the View permission, otherwise the user will not be able to add data because they cannot see the process.

Department Management

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Department Management

Departments can be set up with multiple users. The main functions are used for the assignment of "tasks and approvals". The following is an introduction to the operations:

Add new department

Click the Add button at the top of the main screen. If the department has an upper-level department, please select the department (not necessary). Enter the department name and description and press OK to complete the creation.

Editorial Department

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Department Management>[Any Department]

Click on the department you want to edit in the list to enter the setting page. Each block and tab are introduced as follows:

basic information

Set the basic information of the department. Each field is introduced as follows:

  1. Department: Set the upper-level department of the department. The upper-level department must be an established department.

  2. Department Name: Display name of the department, required

  3. Department code: represents the number of this department. If it is blank, the system will automatically assign a number. It is a unique value and is required.

  4. Department Sorting: Fill in the number to affect the display order of the departments of User Data, sort from small to large downwards

  5. Description: Fill in the text to describe the purpose of this department

Position Rights and Responsibilities

When "Task, Approval" searches for users through "Position, Rights and Responsibilities", you can click the Add button in the department to create relevant data. The fields are as follows:

  1. Position: Select the established position. For details, please refer to the chapter [Personnel Management > Position Management]. Required

  2. User: Select the user for this position, required

  3. Rights and Responsibilities: The list of rights and responsibilities of this position will be automatically brought in when selecting a position and can be adjusted by yourself.


Check here to select the users of this department.

※ The Save buttons of all tabs have independent functions. Please be sure to save after modification.

Delete department

Check the department here and click the Delete button above to delete the department.

AD View

This section mainly allows you to view LDAP imported departments and their users. The basic structure is the same as the [Department Management] chapter. The difference is that only the Position Rights and Responsibilities function can be set here, and other functions are read-only.

※ For information on setting up LDAP, please refer to the chapter [Personnel Management > System Settings].

Job Management

Add, delete, and modify positions here, and select them in "Department Management, AD View, Organization Chart".

※ Multiple default rights and responsibilities can be created under a job title, which will be brought in when the job is selected.

Organization Chart

Now you can create multiple organization charts, and use the "Same Positions/Rights and Responsibilities, Department Positions/Rights and Responsibilities" component as needed in the process to query relevant information of the specified organization chart. The new organizational chart can also be specified in the sign-off design.

Add organization chart

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Organization Chart>New

Click the Add button to add an organization chart. The name of the organization chart must be unique and non-repeatable.

Edit Organization Chart

Location: [Main Menu] > Personnel Management > Organization Chart > [Any Organization Chart]

Click on an existing organization chart to enter the editing mode. For relevant details, please go to Chapter [Organization Chart Operation Instructions].

Delete Organization Chart

Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Organization Chart

Check the organization chart items you want to delete and click the delete button above to delete them.

Important points to note:

  1. After the organization chart is deleted, the related "hosted organization chart" will also be deleted.

  2. Once deleted, it cannot be restored.

Organization Chart Operation Instructions

Location: [Main Menu] > Personnel Management > Organization Chart > [Any Organization Chart]
Location: [Main Menu]>Personnel Management>Organization Chart>New

Set basic information

When designing an organization chart, the first step is to set the basic information of the organization chart, as follows:

  1. Organization Chart Name: Please enter the unique value name of the organization chart

  2. Settings: On the right side of the "Organization Chart Name" field, click to pop up the setting interface as follows:

  3. When the process finds no data in this diagram, the department information will be further queried and returned to qualified personnel: The "same position/authority and responsibility, department position/authority and responsibility" components of the process design will be prioritized in your location. In the specified organization chart, search for personnel who meet the conditions you set. After checking this option, if no qualified personnel can be found in the organization chart, the system will further search for qualified personnel in the department data.

  4. Audit Department & Reviewer: When the organization chart "escrows" part of the organization to the custodian, and the custodian edits it and submits it for review, the system will generate a built-in process "Organization Chart Review Process" document Assigned to the set reviewer, the review can be conducted in "My Tasks".

Establish organizational structure

The initial "Organization Chart" will only have one "Organization" icon, which is the root directory location of the tree structure and usually exists as the highest level of the organization chart. Click the [Gear] button on the icon to set it. The following are related setting instructions:

  1. Department Name: Select the department you represent. If you check Custom, it will be regarded as a virtual department. Please fill in the name yourself.

  2. Department code: Continuing from the above, if you check Custom, you need to name it yourself, and it must be a unique value within the organization chart.

  3. Department: Read only, display the name of the department according to the design

  4. Department code: Read only, display the department code according to the design

  5. Custody: After checking, you can set the custodian

  6. Custodian: Set the user. After setting, the following tree structure of this organization will be hidden and managed by the user.

  7. Department Duties & Responsibilities Supervisor: To design the duties and responsibilities of this department, please refer to Chapter [9]

Important points to note:

(1) Department customization is usually used in non-permanent special department structures, such as a project team that brings together different departments. During the project, the assignee of the process can use the organization chart search function Dispatch members of the task force.

(2) When hosting is checked, the system will host the organization and its subordinate organizations to the designated "custodian". It should be noted that the hosted organization will not be able to be edited or modified until the hosting option is checked again. Until the escrow is cancelled. "Personnel Management > Organizational Chart" will appear in the main menu of "Custodian". The custodian can edit the "custodian" organization. After clicking Save, it will return to the "Organization Chart List" page. The custodian will see There is a "Submit for Review" button at the end of the organization chart. After pressing the Submit for Review button, the "reviewer" specified in the organization chart will receive the review task in My Tasks. If passed, the changes can be saved. Otherwise, the review order will be Go back to the custodian and ask if the case will be closed or retried.

After setting, click the + button on the first "Organization" icon, and an empty organization will be added under the organization. And so on to design the ideal tree structure. After the design is completed, press the save button to complete.

Other functions

In addition to the save button, there are other buttons alongside it as follows:

  1. Export: Export the current "saved" organization chart into an xlsx file and save it.

  2. Import: Provides users with data maintenance in the form of excel files.

  3. Cancel: Abandon the current unsaved editing results and return to the "Organization Chart" list.

Important points to note: (1) Excel files have a fixed format, please refer to the exported excel file. (2) Before importing, please ensure that the corresponding "position, department" data has been created in the system. (3) When importing, the system will use "organization code and job code" as the basis for new additions and modifications. (4) This action will change the current organization chart structure.

Last updated