My Mission

My task

Query - Update

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /rest/my-mission/api/my-mission/list/

  • Input parameters (postbody): The sample format is as follows.

All APIs must obtain a security code (security) before using it. For how to obtain it, please refer to the [RESTAPI > Security Code] chapter.

	"security" : "<security code>", 
	"omflow_restapi" : 1, 
	"search_columns" : [], 
	"search_conditions" : [], 
	"exclude_conditions" : [], 
	"order_columns" : [], 
	"limit" : 100, 
	"start" : 0 
  1. security: required, security code.

  2. omflow_restapi: required, 1.

  3. search_columns: optional, the field name to be queried. An example of the format is as follows.

    "search_columns" : ["title", "status", "level"] 

If search_columns is not filled in, all field names and field values of the query form will be returned.

  1. search_conditions: Optional to filter out information that meets the conditions. Each condition in the array is a JSON object structure, and there is an AND relationship between each condition. The default is to query all data. (1) column: field ID. (2) condition: condition character, divided into the following five types. ● =: Filter out data that is exactly the same as value. ● >: Filter out data greater than value. ● <: Filter out data less than value. ● in: Filter out the same data as in the value array. ● contains: Filter out data containing value. (3) value: field value.

"search_conditions" : 
        "column" : "status", 
        "condition" : "in", 
        "value" : ["assigned", "under review"] 
        "column" : "title" , 
        "condition" : "contains", 
        "value" : "Punch-in and Approval" 
    <other conditions>,... 
  1. exclude_conditions: optional, excludes data that meets the conditions, the format is the same as search_conditions , the default is not to exclude any conditions.

  2. order_columns: Optional, sort according to the specified fields. If you need to sort in reverse order, please add "-" in front of the field name. The default is to sort by ["title"]. The sample format is as follows.

    #Forward sorting 
    "order_columns" : ["title"] 
    #Reverse sorting 
    "order_columns" : ["-title"] 
  3. limit: optional, fill in the number to obtain the data, preset Set to 100 pens.

  4. start: optional, fill in the number from which data to start to obtain, the default is the 0th data.

Example 1: start=0, limit=100, return 100 pieces of data.

Example 2: start=1, limit=100, return 99 pieces of data.

Example 3: start=100, limit=100, return 0 pieces of data.

When the data is returned

successfully, the sample data returned is as follows:

    "status": 200, 
    "message": "Query successful.", 
    "result": [ 
            "id": 6,
            "flow_uuid": "67d4cf9a-49cd-4341-90da-b899eb0219b1", 
            "flow_name": "Problem Management", 
            "status": "Assignment", 
            "level": "", 
            "title": "123", 
            "data_no ": 1, #order number
            "data_id": 4, #Data number, necessary parameters when pushing orders 
            "history": false, 
            "stop_uuid": "FITEM_7", #Current level of the form 
            "stop_chart_text": "Assign manual", #Level name 
            "create_user_id": " system", 
            "update_user_id": null, 
            "ticket_createtime": "2020-07-07T13:50:21.494", 
            "createtime": "2020-07-07T13:50:21.589", 
            "updatetime": "2020-07- 07T13:50:21.589", 
            "assignee_id": null, 
            "assign_group_id": 1, 
            "action": ",", 
            "attachment": false, #Whether there is an attached file 
            "closed": false, 
        },.... . 
} When 

fails, the returned data example is as follows:

    "status": 404, 
    "message": "The query failed, the error message is as follows: <error message>", 
    "result": [] 

Push order

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /rest/flowmanage/api/omdata/edit/<api_path>

  • Input parameters (postbody): The sample format is as follows.

All APIs must obtain a security code (security) before using it. For how to obtain it, please refer to the [RESTAPI > Security Code] chapter.

Currently, the api_path on the URL can only be queried manually.

For how to query the api path, please refer to the [Application Management > Application Design] chapter.

Subsequent version updates will add an api_path field to my task list.

  "security": "<security>", 
  "omflow_restapi": 1, 
  "action": "update", 
  "data_id": "<data_id>", 
  "formdata": [ 
      "id": " <FORMITM_X>", 
      "value": "<field value>" 
      "id": "FORMITM_X", 
      "value": "<field value>" 
`` ` 

1. security: required, security code.   
2. omflow_restapi: required, 1.   
3. action: required, just fill in "update".   
4. data_id: required, fill in the data_id queried by the query API.   
5. formdata: optional, fill in the fields and field contents to be modified.   

### When the data is returned 

successfully, the sample data returned is as follows: 

  "status": "200", 
  "message": "Order pushed successfully", 

Quick operation

  • Method: POST

  • URL: /rest/flowmanage/api/omdata/edit/<api_path>

  • Input parameters (postbody): The sample format is as follows.

All APIs must obtain a security code (security) before using it. For how to obtain it, please refer to the [RESTAPI > Security Code] chapter.

Currently, the api_path on the URL can only be queried manually.

For how to query the api path, please refer to the [Application Management > Application Design] chapter.

Subsequent version updates will add an api_path field to my task list.

  "security": "<security>", 
  "omflow_restapi": 1, 
  "action": "update", 
  "data_id": "<data_id>",
  "quick_action": "<action1/action2>" 
  1. security: required, security code.

  2. omflow_restapi: required, 1.

  3. action: required, just fill in "update".

  4. data_id: required, fill in the data_id queried by the query API.

  5. quick_action: required, fill in action1 or action2.

When the return data

is successful, the return data example is as follows:

  "status": "200", 
  "message": "Push order successfully", 
  "result": "" 

Sample code


queries my task list and performs order push actions for the specified form process``python

====================== ============== #OMFLOW My task example

Please refer to

#= =================================== import sys,requests,json

url = 'https://1.2. 3.4' # OMFLOW server address url_login = '/accounts/api/security/get/' url_my_mission = '/rest/my-mission/api/my-mission/list/' url_action = '/rest/flowmanage/api /omdata/edit/'

api_path = 'some-api-path-syscom' #Specify the API Path of the task to be processed (application management, visible in the launched application) api_id = '38ea93dc82za39as0a38ei1' #Specify the uuid of the task to be processed (Click on the form to see the URL column)

data_security = '' #Storage the security code for successful login

#========================== ==========

Log in to OMFLOW

Global variables: data_security, url, url_login

Input: user=account, pwd=password

Return: 200 = Success

#========== ========================== def login(user,pwd): global data_security response = requests.get( url + url_login, auth=( user , pwd )) data = response.json() data_code_int = data['status'] data_security = data['result']['security'] return data_code_int #================ =====================

Get my task list

Global variables: data_security, url, url_my_mission

Input: None

Return: My task list (JSON Format)

#==================================== def myMissonList(): values={ "security" : data_security, "omflow_restapi" : 1, "search_columns" : [], "search_conditions" : [], "exclude_conditions" : [], "order_columns" : [], "limit" : 100, "start" : 0 } response = url + url_my_mission, json=values ​​) data = response.json() data_list = data['result'] return data_list


Approval for the specified process

Global variables: data_security, url, url_action, api_path, api_id

Input: My task list (JSON format)

Return: None

#==================================== def approve(data_list): #Print data_list to get all Data for item in data_list: data_flow_uuid = item['flow_uuid'] data_data_id = item['data_id'] if data_flow_uuid.replace('-','') == api_id: #Organize the order content, which can be managed in the application. Examples in the listed application are values ​​= { "security": data_security, "omflow_restapi": 1, "action": "update", "data_id": data_data_id, "formdata": [ { "id": "FORMITM_5", "value ": "Approved" } ] } response = url + url_action + api_path, data= json.dumps(values)) print('flow:' + data_flow_uuid + ',data:' + str(data_data_id) + ',approved.')

#MAIN if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('error') else: if login(sys.argv[1] , sys.argv[2]) == 200: approve( myMissonList())

### PowerShell 

query my task list 

#============================== ======= 
# OMFLOW my mission example 
# refrence 
#========== ========================== 

#url = OMFLOW Server URL 
#token = user password 
#user = user name 

$url = 'https://' 
$user ='user' 
$api_path = 'some-api-path-syscom' 
$api_id = '1ko2kme1o9a120a03a0dfs' 

$url_login = '/accounts/api/security/get/' 
$url_my_mission = '/rest/my-mission/api/my-mission/list/' 
$url_action = '/rest/flowmanage/api/omdata/edit/' 

$security = '' 

$auth = $user + ':' + $token 
$encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($auth) 
$authorizationInfo = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($encoded) 
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Basic $($authorizationInfo )"} 

$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url$url_login" -Method GET -Headers $headers 
if ($result.StatusCode -eq 200) 
    $result_json = $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json 
	#echo $result_json .status 
	#echo $result_json.message 
	$security = $ 
    echo "login fail." 

if ($security -ne "") 
    $postParams = @{ 
	$result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url$url_my_mission" -Method POST -Body $postParams 
	$result_json = $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json 
	$count = $result_json. result.length 
	echo "total $count mission" 

Last updated