System Settings

Location: [Main Menu] > System Settings

Remarks ● Required: This field value cannot be blank. ● Unique value: This field value must not be repeated with other data.

System settings

Location: [Main Menu] > System Settings > System Settings

Here, OMFLOW adjusts and sets the rules of the entire system to meet the specific needs of customers. Each block will be introduced below:

※ Only administrators have the authority to modify system settings.

General Settings- 1.2.1 New

  1. Maximum number of threads: The number of threads for processing the form process, which is temporarily not open for modification.

  2. LOG level: The system default is ERROR to avoid excessive LOG generation.

  3. PIP Server Location: Specify the source that the system searches for when installing the package.

  4. Login page: The system’s default display page after login.

  5. Open registration page: Whether to open the registration page for general user accounts.

  6. Enable automatic logout: When enabled, the user will automatically log out if they are idle.

  7. Automatic logout duration: In conjunction with the previous item, set the length of idle time for automatic logout (needs to be greater than 5 minutes).

  8. Locking on failed login: If enabled, the system will lock the account for 5 minutes after 3 consecutive failed logins. Relevant detailed settings can be found in /omflow/ to change LOGIN_FAIL \ _FREQUENCY, LOGIN_LOCK_MIN, the modification will take effect after restarting the service.

  9. Maximum number of logins: In conjunction with the failed login lockout function, set the number of failed attempts to trigger account lockout.

  10. Login lock duration/minute: Set the lock time length in conjunction with the login failure lock function.

  11. Administrator Mode: When enabled, only administrator accounts can log in to the system.

  12. Manager Mode Announcement: After enabling "Manager Mode", it will be displayed on the login page.

  13. Password complexity setting: Set the password rules during registration. This setting does not affect the administrator's creation of users and LDAP users.

  14. Special character customization: Fill in any number of character symbols, and the password must contain any symbol.

  15. Password length customization: Set the minimum length of password.

  16. Registration account validity period/days: Set the default number of days of validity when registering the account. After expiration, the account will be deactivated. This setting does not affect the administrator's creation of users and LDAP users.

  17. Password validity period/days: Set the number of days the password is valid when registering an account. After expiration, the password must be changed when logging in. This setting does not affect the administrator's creation of users and LDAP users.

LDAP settings

After checking Enable, fill in the LDAP connection related settings and create relevant departments and users.

※ Synchronized data is divided into three modes: "AD, LDAP, and customHR". For customHR, please refer to the chapter "Customized HR System". 1.2.2 New

Connection information

| Connection information field | Field description | |------------------------|------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- | | server | Active Directory server IP address/Active Directory domain | | server port | Active Directory server port number | | base dn | Basic range, example: DC=tsom,DC=com | | search dn | Authentication scope, example: OU=XXX,OU=XXX | | bind user | Connect AD user account, Example 1: AD_connect_user, Example 2: CN=AD_connect_user,CN=Users,DC=tsom,DC=com | | bind password | User password to connect to AD | | user search filter | User search conditions, example: (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)) | | group search filter | department search conditions |

※ After setting, press the Connection Check button on the upper right side of the block to test whether the setting values ​​and connections are correct.

User field correspondence

When creating a user synchronously, fill in the corresponding attributes of the OMFLOW user based on the user attributes in the LDAP system.

| User fields | LDAP fields | | -------------------- | ------------------------------- ----- | | User account (username) | Required, example: sAMAccountName | | Name (nick_name) | Required, example: cn | | Mailbox (email) | Required, example: mail | | Employee number | Optional, based on personal settings | | Company | Optional, based on personal settings | | Telephone | Optional, depends on personal settings | | Extension | Optional, depends on personal settings | | Mobile phone | Optional, depends on personal settings |

※ After setting, click the Save and Sync button on the upper right side of the block, and the system will create users simultaneously.

Department field correspondence

When creating a department simultaneously, fill in the corresponding attributes of the OMFLOW user based on the user attributes in the LDAP system.

| Department fields | LDAP fields | | -------------------- | ------------------------------- ----- | | Department name | Required | | Department code | Required |

※ After setting, click the Save and Sync button on the upper right side of the block, and the system will create users simultaneously.

Automatic synchronization

The scheduling period is weekly and monthly. Each week can be divided into Monday to Friday, and each month is from 1 to 31. The scheduling time can be freely selected. Example: Saturday 02:00:00.

Synchronization range

When you click the Save and Sync button on the upper right side of the block, the system will synchronize based on this setting.

  1. Departments and users: Departments and users within the scope are synchronized according to the LDAP system.

  2. User only: users within the synchronization range based on the LDAP system.

※ If you have previously synchronized "Department and User" and then synchronize "User Only", the synchronized AD department will be deleted.

Enable users using the number of licenses during synchronization

Once checked, it will be automatically set to "Enabled" when synchronizing users. If the system does not have additional licenses, it will remain in the "Disabled" state.

Personal data use consent and software use consent allow you to customize your own terms. These terms must be agreed to when new users register before they can register an account.

Authorization information

The LICENSE content you own is displayed in the field. After purchasing the LICENSE, upload it here and it will take effect immediately.

Booster authorization information

The LICENSE content of the Booster you own is displayed in the field. After the Booster is installed, upload the LICENSE here and it will take effect immediately.

Additional file maintenance

Location: [Main Menu]>System Settings>Additional File Maintenance

Here you can view all files that have been uploaded to the system. You can use filtering to find files before a specific time and delete them to free up space on the host.

Location: [Main Menu] > System Settings > Main Menu Management

Arrange the order and position of the left menu here, and add "Folder, Path". Folder can be placed in "Folder, Application, Path", and Path can be set inside OMFLOW. link or external URL.

Important points to note:

  1. It cannot be deleted if there are still applications in the folder.

  2. All modifications will be effective immediately for all users after being saved.

Log out login record

Location: [Main Menu] > System Settings > Logout Login

All login, logout, and success and failure records of OMFLOW's "webpage and API" are recorded here.

Last updated