Version Update


General version update steps

  1. Backup OMFLOW

Please back up OMFLOW first. Please refer to the [Backup and Restore] chapter for details on the backup method.

  1. Execute update file

OMFLOW's Windows update file can be executed directly. Right-click on the update file and select "Execute as system administrator".

  1. Select language

Select the displayed language and click "OK".

  1. Agree to the Terms of Use

Check "I agree" to the terms of use and click "Next".

  1. Start updating

The executable file will check whether your device can use the current update. After checking, click "Update"

If there is a version inconsistency, please first check whether the OMFLOW version and the update file version can be used. For versions of OMFLOW after 1.1.4, you can directly use the latest update file to upgrade to the latest version. If the OMFLOW version on the device is less than 1.1.4, please follow the OMFLOW version order and update to before using the latest update file.

  1. Service restart

After the update is completed, the OMFLOW service will be automatically restarted. After the service is restarted, press "End" to complete the update.

After updating to the previous version, please confirm that the OMFLOW service has been restarted before continuing the update.

Now you can continue using OMFLOW!

1.2.0, 1.2.2 Notes - 2024/9/3 Update

OMFLOW upgraded the Python version in versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.2 respectively. If the user installed an additional python package in the past version, the update process will require the user to manually update the package. The following are the relevant steps:

  1. The Python path is C:\PROGRA\~1\OMFLOW Server\Python311 or C:\PROGRA\~1\OMFLOW Server\Python311x64

  2. Open the CMD window with administrator rights and enter the command to install.

  3. Run the command python.exe -m pip install <package name> --target "Lib\site-packages"

  4. After installation, click Next to check and continue this cycle until there are no missing packages.

  5. Close all Python-related CMD windows


General update steps

  1. Backup OMFLOW

Please back up OMFLOW first. Please refer to the [Backup and Restore] chapter for details on the backup method.

  1. Unzip the update file

Unzip the patch file

tar -zxvf [patch file path]
  1. Execute update file

Move to the path of and execute

cd [patch file path]
sudo ./
  1. Restart the service

Confirm whether the OMFLOW service starts normally

/opt/omflow/server/omflow_server status

If the service has not been started, please enable it.

/opt/omflow/server/omflow_server start

Now you can continue using OMFLOW!

Linux update version steps

OMFLOW has further improved the environment requirements in version Users using Linux environment need to update manually. The following are the relevant steps:

python version: 3.8 → 3.11 django version: 2.2 → 4.2.6

  1. Stop OMFLOW

    omflow_server stop
  2. Delete the python folder under the /opt/omflow folder

    rm -rf /opt/omflow/python/
  3. Install ubuntu package

Kit list

  • python 3.11

  • python3.11-dev

  • python3.11-venv

  • python3-pip

Installation method one: Online installation version (requires Internet connection)

	# Update package library
	apt-get update -y
	# Add package library
	add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y
	# Update package library
	apt-get update -y
	# Install python3.11 and related packages
	apt-get install -y python3.11 python3.11-dev python3.11-venv python3-pip
  • Installation method two: no network environment, offline installation method, please see the supplement

    • Download the Ubuntu package offline installation package

    • Install Ubuntu packages offline

  1. Set python 3.11 as an environment variable (so that python3.11 can be called with the command python3)

    update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.11 1
  2. Create a virtual environment for python 3.11 under the /opt/omflow folder

    python3 -m venv /opt/omflow/python
  3. Enter the virtual environment and install the python package

python package list

  • wheel -django==4.2 -ldap3

  • mod_wsgi

  • openpyxl

  • python package used by DB

  • Other packages that will be used...

  • Online installation version (requires Internet connection)

    # Enter the virtual environment
    source /opt/omflow/python/bin/activate
    # Install wheel
    pip install wheel
    # Omit if not necessary
    python /usr/lib/python3.11/test/libregrtest/ bdist_wheel
    # Install necessary packages. Please evaluate and install other packages by yourself.
    pip install django==4.2 ldap3 mod_wsgi openpyxl
  • Please see the supplement for no network environment and offline installation methods.

    • Download the python suite offline installation package (.whl)

    • Install python package offline

  1. Modify the wsgi_module path in apache http.conf to a new path

    # Modify django.conf
    vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/django.conf
    # Modify the path of wsgi_module
  2. Update OMFLOW

    # Enter tmp
    cd /tmp/
    # Decompress patch file
    tar zxvf /tmp/omflow_patch_1_2_0_0.tar.gz
    # Enter the patch folder
    cd omflow_patch_1_2_0_0/
    # Execute patch
  3. Start OMFLOW (usually no need to start manually)


  1. Download the Ubuntu package offline installation package

    • Find an Ubuntu with the same environment as OMFLOW server, and an Internet connection is required.

Kit list

  • python 3.11

  • python3.11-dev

  • python3.11-venv

  • python3-pip

  • Download instructions:

    # Switch root identity
    sudo su

    # Add new kit library **deadsnakes** PPA
    add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

    # Update package list:
    apt-get update

    # (If necessary) Clean up the default download folder
    apt-get clean

    # Download but do not install the package
    apt-get install --download-only python3.11 python3.11-dev python3.11-venv python3-pip
  • The downloaded installation package will be saved in the /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory. You can use FTP software to take it out and put it into the OMFLOW server environment.

  1. Install Ubuntu packages offline

Kit list

  • python 3.11

  • python3.11-dev

  • python3.11-venv

  • python3-pip

  • Copy the .deb file to a directory in Ubuntu. This uses /tmp/Downloads as an example.

  • Ubuntu instructions:

        # Switch root identity
        sudo su
        # Move to the path where the installation package is located
        cd /tmp/Downloads
        # Use dpkg to install the downloaded package
        dpkg -i *.deb
  1. Export the installed python package list from the existing environment

    • If you already have the package list used by the original OMFLOW, you can skip this step.

    • Export instructions:

      # Switch to the virtual environment of OMFLOW
      source /opt/omflow/python/bin/activate
      # Export the python package list to /tmp
      pip freeze > /tmp/requirements.txt
      # Change the django version to version 4.2 or above
      vim /tmp/requirements.txt
    • Use FTP software to take it out and put it in an Ubuntu environment with Internet access, as a reference for subsequent downloading of packages.

  2. Download the python suite offline installation package (.whl)

    • Please prepare an environment with python3.11 installed so that you can download the package version suitable for python3.11. This environment must be connected to the Internet.

    • Download instructions:

      # Add a new folder to store offline installation packages
      mkdir /tmp/python_package
      cd /tmp/python_package
      # [Method 1] Use requirements.txt to download in batches
      # Assume that you have placed the requirements.txt in the previous step under /tmp/
      pip -m install /tmp/requirements.txt
      # [Method 2] Manually enter the package name to download
      pip -m install <package name>
      # After downloading, check how many .whl installation files are in the folder
    • Use FTP software to take out and put it back into the OMFLOW server.

    • Supplement: mod_wsgi will get tar.gz, and the installation method is more special. Please see offline installation of mod_wsgi.

  3. Install python package offline

    • Assume that the offline installation package (.whl) of the python package is placed under this path **/opt/omflow/tmp**

    • Installation instructions:

      # Switch to the virtual environment of OMFLOW
      source /opt/omflow/python/bin/activate
      # Switch to the file path of the offline installation package
      cd /opt/omflow/tmp
      # Install all whl
      pip install *.whl
  4. Install mod_wsgi offline

    • Installation instructions:

      # Switch to the virtual environment of OMFLOW
      source /opt/omflow/python/bin/activate
      # Decompress tar.gz of mod_wsgi
      tar zxvf <mod_wsgi file path>
      cd <mod_wsgi decompressed path>
      #Easy installation mod_wsgi
      python install


After replacing python & django, you need to update the OMFLOW version to to start successfully; the previous version cannot be used with django 4.2.

Error handling

If the service cannot be started after updating OMFLOW, please restore OMFLOW according to the [Backup and Restore] chapter, and then perform the update steps again.

Last updated