Create applications and processes

Create applications and processes

This chapter demonstrates how to create and design a simple process.

Create application

Location: [Main Menu]>Application Management>Application Design>New

Click the Add button at the top of the main screen, enter "Practice Application" and press the OK button. The application just created will be displayed in the list.

Create new process

Location: [Main Menu]>Application Management>Application Design>[Application Name]

Click on the application just created to enter the process list screen. And click the New button at the top of the main screen and select Form Process to create the first new process.

After creation, you will switch to the Parameter Setting interface of the process. Please complete the following fields: ● Process name: Practice process ● API path: practice-flow

※ This example does not modify other checked items. For details, please refer to the chapter [Application Management > Parameter Settings]

Form design

Location: [Main Menu] > Application Management > Application Design > [Application Name] > [Process Name] > Form Design

Click the "Form Design" tab and you will see a blank form. Click the Half Block button at the top of the main screen twice.

Click the button in the left block to add the following fields: ● Title ● Input

Click the button in the right block to add the following fields: ● Status ● light signal

In the Status column just created, click the [Gear] button and switch to the Options tab, and add the following options:

Process Design

Location: [Main Menu]>Application Management>Application Design>[Application Name]>[Process Name]>Process Design

Click the "Process Design" tab, and you will see the preset process. This process is deliberately designed with logic that will not close orders. Next, modify the process:

Practice situation: ● After placing an order, the "Title" and "Input" will be added together and then filled back into the input field for the user to check. ● After the user confirms that everything is correct, change the status to passed and end the process. ● If the status selected by the user is not passed, return to the manual input component again.

Add new component

Click the Add button above and check the Program Code component

Before making the connection, let’s first introduce the three operations of designing process routes:

Drag component

● Press and hold [Component] ● Move the mouse

Create link

● Click on the [component] as the starting point to enter the interactive state ● Click any button in the interactive state "Left, Right, Down" until it turns green ● Move the mouse over the "component" considered as the end point ● Click on any of the buttons that appear

Delete link

● Click on the [component] as the starting point to enter the interactive state ● Click the button with the link until it turns green ● Method 1: Click the green button again ● Method 2: Move the mouse over the [Component] that is considered the end point, and click the button that connects the end point

Once you understand the operation, complete the following goals: ● Delete the link between "Start, Manual Input" ● Drag the "Execute (code)" component you just created to the middle of "Start, Manual Input" ● Connect each component in this order: start → execute → manual input → judge → end ● Create an additional link in the "Judgment" component: Judgment → Manual Input

Set component

After the flow chart structure is completed, the next step is to set the function, input, and output of each component.

"Start" component

            Location: Process Design>[Start Component]>[Gear]>Input>New

Click [Start Component] on the flow chart to enter the interactive state, find the specified location through the above sequence, and complete the following settings:

※ What is set here is the starting variable of the process, which can be brought in by other components.

"Code" component

"Input" tab

            Location: Process Design>[Code Components]>[Gear]>Input>New

Click the [Code Component] on the flow chart to enter the interactive state, find the specified location through the above sequence, and complete the following settings:

※ a, b, c are variables brought into the python code by the process, and only the variables created here can be brought back into the process.

"Python" tab

            Location: Process Design>[Programming Components]>[Gear]>Python

You can enter your own Python code here to meet various customer needs. This example defines a mergeInput method, adds the a and b variables as strings, and finally returns the addition result. The following is an example:

def mergeInput(title, text):
    ans = title + text
    return ans

c = mergeInput(a,b)

※ All variables input from the process are of string type.

"Output" tab

            Location: Process Design>[Programming Components]>[Gear]>Output

This will determine which variables of the input page are to be written back to the process variables. Please complete the following settings:

"Manual processing" component

The main function of the manual processing component is to stop the process, and then hand it over to the user to manually process and stack orders to continue the process. Here we will set that whenever the process enters this component, the Status field value will change to Audit.

"Conditional Judgment" component

This component can set multiple links and decide which one to follow based on conditions.

※ When the condition judgment component satisfies multiple routes at the same time, the lowest route will be given priority.


When the process design is completed, click the Save button in the upper right corner of the main screen.

※ After the process is saved, it will not take effect immediately. It needs to be put on the shelf to take effect.

On the shelves

Location: [Main Menu]>Application Management>Application Design

Click Application Design to return to the application list, check the application you just created, and then click the Publish button above the main screen. Select Publish new application and click Confirm.

If this application has already been listed, select Replace Listed Application to overwrite it.

※ It will take a while to be put on the shelves depending on the size of the application data, please be patient.

Open form

Location: [Main Menu]>Apps>[Application Name]>[Process Name]

After the listing is completed, you can find the data list of the process in the above location, and click the Add button to open the form.

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