Execute independently

#Execute independently

Apply translation transformation

The goal of the program is to replace the base language in an omf file. The first four lines of parameters must be modified before use.

For example, test_flow.omf is an application designed in Traditional Chinese. Translations in various languages ​​have been uploaded through OMFLOW's built-in function. When English-speaking customers need this application for reference, they can use this program to transfer the "design" language from Traditional Chinese changed to English.

※ Please note that the omf file must contain the corresponding translation. This program only helps you perform translation swaps, not automatic translation.

import json

path = '/some_path/test_flow.omf' #Please modify according to the actual path and name
trans_to_path = '/some_path/test_flow.omf'
original_language = 'zh-hant' #Please modify according to actual needs
replace_language = 'ja'

translator_onlytitle_formitem_type_list = ['box12','box6','areabox','n_user','n_group','u_gps','label']
translator_titleplaceholder_formitem_type_list = ['h_title','inputbox','date','datetime','subquery','inputcaculate','file']
translator_lists_formitem_type_list = ['h_level','h_status','list','checkbox']
translator_special_formitem_type_list = ['subtable']

def loopFlowObject(lan_dict, flowobject):
        items = flowobject.get('items',[])
        for i in items:
            item_type = i['type']
            if item_type != 'line':
                config = i['config']
                item_text = lan_dict.get(i['text'],'')
                if item_text:
                    i['text'] = item_text
                if item_type in ['start','python','setform']:
                    loop_list = ['input','output']
                    loopInOutPut(lan_dict, loop_list, config)
                elif item_type == 'end':
                    loop_list = ['output']
                    loopInOutPut(lan_dict, loop_list, config)
                elif item_type in ['outflow','inflow','subflow']:
                    loop_list = ['subflow_input','subflow_output']
                    loopInOutPut(lan_dict, loop_list, config)
                elif item_type == 'form':
                    loop_list = ['input','output','subflow_input','subflow_output','input1','input2']
                    loopInOutPut(lan_dict, loop_list, config)
                    action1_text = lan_dict.get(config['action1_text'], '')
                    if action1_text:
                        config['action1_text'] = action1_text
                    action2_text = lan_dict.get(config['action2_text'], '')
                    if action2_text:
                        config['action2_text'] = action2_text
                    form_object = config.get('form_object',{})
                    if form_object:
                        if form_object.get('items',[]):
                            loopFormObject(lan_dict, form_object)
                elif item_type in ['async','switch']:

def loopFormObject(lan_dict, formobject):
        items = formobject.get('items',[])
        for i in items:
            item_type = i['type']
            config = i['config']
            if item_type in translator_onlytitle_formitem_type_list:
                title = lan_dict.get(config['title'],'')
                if title:
                    config['title'] = title
            elif item_type in translator_titleplaceholder_formitem_type_list:
                title = lan_dict.get(config['title'],'')
                if title:
                    config['title'] = title
                placeholder = lan_dict.get(config['placeholder'],'')
                if placeholder:
                    config['placeholder'] = placeholder
            elif item_type == 'h_group':
                group_title = lan_dict.get(config['group_title'],'')
                if group_title:
                    config['group_title'] = group_title
                user_title = lan_dict.get(config['user_title'],'')
                if user_title:
                    config['user_title'] = user_title
            elif item_type in translator_lists_formitem_type_list:
                title = lan_dict.get(config['title'],'')
                if title:
                    config['title'] = title
                lists = config['lists']
                for l in lists:
                    text = lan_dict.get(l['text'],'')
                    if text:
                        l['text'] = text
            elif item_type in translator_special_formitem_type_list:
                title = lan_dict.get(config['title'],'')
                if title:
                    config['title'] = title
                loopFormObject(lan_dict, config['form_object'])

def loopInOutPut(lan_dict, loop_list, config):
            for i in loop_list:
                n_lst = config[i]
                for n in n_lst:
                    des = lan_dict.get(n['des'],'')
                    if des:
                        n['des'] = des

    with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        content = f.read()
    omf_list = json.loads(content)
    for omflow_app_dict in omf_list:
        this_app_language_package = omflow_app_dict.get('language_package',{})
        this_app_language_package = json.loads(this_app_language_package) if isinstance(this_app_language_package, str) else this_app_language_package
        zh_hant = this_app_language_package.get('zh-hant',{})
        en = this_app_language_package.get('en',{})
        ja = this_app_language_package.get('ja',{})
        zh_hans = this_app_language_package.get('zh-hans',{})
        replace_dict = this_app_language_package.get(replace_language,{}).copy()
        this_app_name = replace_dict.get(omflow_app_dict.get('app_name',''),'')
        if this_app_name:
            omflow_app_dict['app_name'] = this_app_name
        this_app_flow_list = omflow_app_dict.get('flow_list',{})
        for flow in this_app_flow_list:
            this_flow_name = replace_dict.get(flow['flow_name'],'')
            if this_flow_name:
                flow['flow_name'] = this_flow_name
            this_description = replace_dict.get(flow['description'],'')
            if this_description:
                flow['description'] = this_description
            this_flowobject = flow.get('flowobject',{})
            loopFlowObject(replace_dict, this_flowobject)
            this_formobject = flow.get('formobject',{})
            if not this_formobject:
                this_formobject = this_flowobject.get('form_object',{})
            loopFormObject(replace_dict, this_formobject)
            this_subflow_list = this_flowobject.get('subflow',[])
            for subflow in this_subflow_list:
                this_subflow_name = replace_dict.get(subflow['name'],'')
                if this_subflow_name:
                    subflow['name'] = this_subflow_name
                this_subflow_description = replace_dict.get(subflow['description'],'')
                if this_subflow_description:
                    subflow['description'] = this_subflow_description
                loopFlowObject(replace_dict, subflow)
        new_dict = {}
        new_lan = ''
        for origin_text in replace_dict:
            replace_text = replace_dict[origin_text]
            if replace_text:
                if origin_text in zh_hant:
                    trans_text = zh_hant.pop(origin_text)
                    zh_hant[replace_text] = trans_text
                    if replace_language == 'zh-hant':
                        new_dict[replace_text] = origin_text
                if origin_text in en:
                    trans_text = en.pop(origin_text)
                    en[replace_text] = trans_text
                    if replace_language == 'en':
                        new_dict[replace_text] = origin_text
                if origin_text in ja:
                    trans_text = ja.pop(origin_text)
                    ja[replace_text] = trans_text
                    if replace_language == 'ja':
                        new_dict[replace_text] = origin_text
                if origin_text in zh_hans:
                    trans_text = zh_hans.pop(origin_text)
                    zh_hans[replace_text] = trans_text
                    if replace_language == 'zh-hans':
                        new_dict[replace_text] = origin_text
        this_app_language_package[original_language] = new_dict
        omflow_app_dict['language_package'] = json.dumps(this_app_language_package)

    result = json.dumps(omf_list)
    with open(trans_to_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
except Exception as e:

Find the users with specific positions/responsibilities on the organization chart

Sort out csv files of users with specific positions/responsibilities on the organization chart

Export the organization chart file from the system and the user information exported from the report, and merge and organize the user's rights and responsibilities/positions

import json

f = open("mainOrg.omf", "r", encoding='UTF-8')
orgobject = f.read()
orgobject = json.loads(orgobject)

#Find the components connected under the authority and responsibility of the specified name on the job component
sirList = []
for org_item in orgobject['items']:
    if org_item['type'] == 'role' and 'supervisor' in org_item['config']['responsibility']:
        for line_item in orgobject['items']:
            if line_item['type'] == 'line' and line_item['config']['source_item'] == org_item['id']:
#Find the user id of the previous element
peopleList = []
for org_item in orgobject['items']:
    if org_item['type'] == 'people' and org_item['id'] in sirList:
        if not org_item['config']['noid'] in peopleList:
import csv

#Open the user csv generated by the report, compare the user ID to generate a new csv
readyList = []
with open('syscomUser.csv', newline='', encoding='UTF-8') as syscomUserfile:
    spamreader = csv.reader(syscomUserfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
    for row in spamreader:
        if row[0] in peopleList:
with open('syscomUserWithSir.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='UTF-8') as syscomUserWithSirfile:
    spamwriter = csv.writer(syscomUserWithSirfile, delimiter=',',
                        quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
    for row in readyList:

Export form data

This section will provide python code to teach how to export the OMFLOW form and its attachments into a PDF file.

Installation Kit

The following conditions must be met before executing the Script:

Python suite:

pip install requests
pip install pdfkit

PDF software: Please download the installation file suitable for your current environment from the official website (https://wkhtmltopdf.org), and then install it.

Execute script

import requests, os, pdfkit, shutil, zipfile, threading, time
from datetime import datetime

stop_thread = False

def zip_folder(folder_path, zip_filename='data.zip'):
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf:
        for foldername, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(folder_path):
            for filename in filenames:
                file_path = os.path.join(foldername, filename)
                arcname = os.path.relpath(file_path, folder_path)
                zipf.write(file_path, arcname=arcname)

def your_while_loop(token_url, user, token):
    while not stop_thread:
        response = requests.request("GET", token_url, auth=( user, token ))

ann = '''

################################################ #####
# #
# Please make sure the current environment already #
# has the following packages. #
# #
# python package: requests, pdfkit. #
# pdf software: wkhtmltopdf.(https://wkhtmltopdf.org) #
# #
################################################ #####

    #user input param
    server = input("Enter the OMFLOW server domain (ex.")
    if server:
        if server[-1] == '/':
            server = server[:-1]
    user = input("Enter the OMFLOW administrator username:")
    token = input("Enter the password:")
    api_path = input("Enter the API_PATH:")
    print('Enter the wkhtmltopdf path or press enter to skip.')
    print('ex. C:\\\\Program Files\\\\wkhtmltopdf\\\\bin\\\wkhtmltopdf.exe')
    path_wkhtmltopdf = input("wkhtmltopdf path:")
    if path_wkhtmltopdf:
        pdfkit_config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wkhtmltopdf)
        pdfkit_config = None
    script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    script_directory = os.path.dirname(script_path)
    download_directory_path = os.path.join(script_directory, 'data')
    if not os.path.exists(download_directory_path):

    token_url = f'{server}/accounts/api/security/get/'
    server_version_url = f'{server}/rest/app/server-version/get/'
    list_omdata_url = f'{server}/rest/flowmanage/api/omdata/list/{api_path}'
    html_url = f'{server}/rest/flowmanage/api/print-form/'
    list_file_url = f'{server}/rest/api/files/list/'
    get_mapping_url = f'{server}/rest/api/mapping-path/get/'
    download_url = f'{server}/'
    total_size = 0
    script_start_time = datetime.now()
    #get token
    response = requests.request("GET", token_url, auth=( user, token ))
    response_dict = response.json()
    this_status = response_dict.get('status', 404)
    if this_status != 200:
        raise Exception(f"OMFLOW return status code {this_status} when get security. error message: {response_dict.get('message','')}")
    security = response_dict.get("result", {}).get("security")
    #anothrt thread to get token
    extra_thread = threading.Thread(target=your_while_loop, args=(token_url, user, token))
    #check Server version at least
        "security" : security,
        "omflow_restapi" : 1
    response = requests.post(server_version_url, json=values)
    response_dict = response.json()
    this_status = response_dict.get('status', 404)
    if this_status != 200:
        raise Exception(f"OMFLOW return status code {this_status} when get server version. error message: {response_dict.get('message','')}")
    server_version = response_dict.get('result',{}).get('version','')
    if server_version < 1002000000:
        raise Exception(f"OMFLOW server version at least")
    #get flow_uuid
    search_conditions = []
        "security" : security,
        "omflow_restapi" : 1,
        "search_conditions" : search_conditions,
        "search_columns" : ['flow_uuid'],
        "exclude_conditions" : [],
        "order_columns" : [],
        "limit" : 1,
        "start" : 0
    response = requests.post(list_omdata_url, json=values)
    response_dict = response.json()
    this_status = response_dict.get('status', 404)
    if this_status != 200:
        raise Exception(f"OMFLOW return status code {this_status} when list omdata. error message: {response_dict.get('message','')}")
    result = response_dict.get('result')
    if result:
        flow_uuid = result[0]['flow_uuid'].replace('-','')
        #get list
        search_conditions = []
            "security" : security,
            "omflow_restapi" : 1,
            "search_conditions" : search_conditions,
            "search_columns" : ['id','data_no'],
            "exclude_conditions" : [],
            "order_columns" : ['-data_no','id'],
            "limit" : 0,
            "start" : 0
        response = requests.post(list_omdata_url, json=values)
        result = response.json().get('result')
        total_count = len(result)
        print(f'The total number of records for the target flow is {total_count}.')
        print('Start to export omdata ...')
        loop_count = 1
        for omdata in result:
            data_no = omdata['data_no']
            data_id = omdata['id']
            #check folder exists
            data_no_directory_path = os.path.join(download_directory_path, data_no)
            if not os.path.exists(data_no_directory_path):
            #check pdf exists
            pdf_file_path = os.path.join(data_no_directory_path, f'{data_no}.pdf')
            if not os.path.exists(pdf_file_path):
                this_html_url = html_url + f'{flow_uuid}/{data_no}/{data_id}/'
                    "security" : security,
                    "omflow_restapi" : 1,
                response = requests.post(this_html_url, json=values)
                if response.status_code != 200:
                    raise Exception(f'OMFLOW return status code {response.status_code} when get omdata html.')
                this_html_content = response.content.decode('utf-8')
                this_html_content = this_html_content.replace('window.print();window.close();','')
                this_html_content = this_html_content.replace('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/plugins/fontawesome-free-5.13.0-web/css/all.css">','')
                #html to pdf
                if pdfkit_config:
                    pdfkit.from_string(this_html_content, pdf_file_path, configuration=pdfkit_config)
                    pdfkit.from_string(this_html_content, pdf_file_path)
            #amount size
            total_size += os.path.getsize(pdf_file_path)
            #get file path
            this_file_search_conditions = []
                "security" : security,
                "omflow_restapi" : 1,
                "app_name" : 'omformflow',
                "search_conditions" : this_file_search_conditions,
                "search_columns" : ['file_name','data_id','formitm_id'],
                "limit" : 0
            response = requests.post(list_file_url, json=values)
            response_dict = response.json()
            this_status = response_dict.get('status', 404)
            if this_status != 200:
                raise Exception(f"OMFLOW return status code {this_status} when get mapping url. error message: {response_dict.get('message','')}")
            this_file_list = response_dict.get('result')
            for this_file in this_file_list:
                #check file exists
                this_file_path = os.path.join(data_no_directory_path, this_file['file_name'])
                if not os.path.exists(this_file_path):
                    #get mapping path
                    if this_file['formitm_id']:
                        this_rel_path = os.path.join('omformflow', flow_uuid, data_no, str(this_file['data_id']), this_file['formitm_id'], this_file['file_name'])
                        this_rel_path = os.path.join('omformflow', flow_uuid, data_no, str(this_file['data_id']), this_file['file_name'])
                        "security" : security,
                        "omflow_restapi" : 1,
                        "path" : this_rel_path,
                        "path_type" : 'download_files'
                    response = requests.post(get_mapping_url, json=values)
                    response_dict = response.json()
                    this_status = response_dict.get('status', 404)
                    if this_status != 200:
                        raise Exception(f"OMFLOW return status code {this_status} when get mapping url. error message: {response_dict.get('message','')}")
                    mapping_path = response_dict.get('result')
                    #download file
                    this_download_url = download_url + mapping_path
                    response = requests.get(this_download_url)
                    if response.status_code != 200:
                        raise Exception(f'OMFLOW return status code {response.status_code} when download files.')
                    #write file
                    this_file_content = response.content
                    with open(this_file_path, 'wb') as f:
                #amount size
                total_size += os.path.getsize(this_file_path)
            #print info every 10 records
            if loop_count % 10 == 0:
                now_time = datetime.now()
                print(f'Currently, {loop_count} records have been exported, consuming {total_size / (1024 ** 2):.2f} MB of space.')
                t, u, f = shutil.disk_usage(script_directory)
                print(f'There is still {f / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB of space available on the disk')
                x = (total_count - loop_count) / loop_count
                print(f'Anticipated additional requirement of {x * total_size / (1024 ** 3):.2f} GB.')
                time_difference = now_time - script_start_time
                minutes_difference = float(time_difference.total_seconds() / 60)
                print(f'Anticipated additional time required: {x * minutes_difference:.2f} minutes.')
            loop_count += 1
        #zip folder
        print('Export OmData finished. Start to zip folder.')
        zip_file_path = os.path.join(script_directory, 'data.zip')
        if os.path.exists(zip_file_path):
        #print info
        now_time = datetime.now()
        time_difference = now_time - script_start_time
        minutes_difference = float(time_difference.total_seconds() / 60)
        print(f'Anticipated additional time required: {4 * minutes_difference:.2f} minutes.')
        zip_folder(download_directory_path, zip_file_path)
        #remove folder
        print(f'Unable to retrieve any data from {api_path}.')
    #stop thread
    stop_thread = True
    print('OMFLOW data export finish!')
except Exception as e:
    #stop thread
    stop_thread = True
    print('OMFLOW data export error: ',e.__str__())

The steps to execute Script are as follows:

Please enter the following information as shown:

  1. OMFLOW server domain/IP:port (for example

  2. Account with administrator rights (OMFLOW administrator)

  3. User password

  4. API path of the process to be exported

  5. If the wkhtmltopdf.exe path has been added to the environment variable (PATH), you can press Enter to skip this item.

During the execution process, the screen will display the total number of closed records of the process, and the download task will be performed at the same time. After every 10 records have been executed, the following message will be provided:

  1. Current space usage

  2. Available space in the current environment

  3. Estimate the space required for upcoming downloads

  4. Estimate the time required for the upcoming download

※ The estimates provided in items 3 and 4 above are based on the resource consumption of completed tasks and may not be completely accurate.

Modify download conditions

This script is completed using the OMFLOW API, allowing the user to modify the content as needed.

  1. If you wish to download data that has not yet been closed, you can delete the following section on line 117 of the original script.

  1. If you want to retrieve only records where the 'formitm_1' field is equal to 'SYSCOM', you can add the following content.

search_conditions.append({'column':' formitm_1','condition':'=','value': ' SYSCOM'})

For detailed query condition instructions, please refer to the [Query Form] chapter.

Maintain the assignment relationship of "task, user, department" when changing LDAP - 1.2.2 New

This script can assist the OMFLOW system that has been running for a period of time to change AD, and enable new AD users and departments to correctly obtain the original forms and tasks. The following script parameters need to be modified according to the actual AD environment:

Connection information

ldapdata: JSON format, including four settings of "new user, old user, new department, old department". Each setting has the following parameters that need to be adjusted:

  1. ldap_client_server: Fill in the IP address of the LDAP Server

  2. ldap_client_server_port: Fill in the Port of the LDAP Server

  3. ldap_base_dn: Fill in the base DN of the LDAP Server, such as "DC=dcname,DC=com"

  4. ldap_search_dn: Fill in the search range of LDAP Server, such as "OU=ouname"

  5. ldap_bind_user: Fill in the user name of the LDAP Server

  6. ldap_bind_user_password: Fill in the user password of the LDAP Server

  7. search_filter: Fill in the search conditions for synchronization objects, such as "(&(|(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))"

Synchronization parameters

  1. Nickname: used as the attribute basis for the user's display name when generating reports, such as 'cn'

  2. username: the attribute basis used to compare whether the old and new users are the same person, such as 'sAMAccountName'

  3. groupname: used as the attribute basis for displaying the name of the department when generating reports, such as 'name'

  4. groupno: attribute basis used to compare whether the old and new departments are the same department, such as 'sAMAccountName'

※ Please note that this script must be executed before "OMFLOW synchronizes new AD", and the database needs to be backed up in advance.

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL
import ast, re
from openpyxl import Workbook
from omuser.models import OmUser, OmGroup
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from omflow.syscom.default_logger import error

#Need to modify parameters
nickname = 'cn'
username = 'sAMAccountName'
groupname = 'name'
groupno = 'sAMAccountName'

#Need to modify parameters
ldapdata = [{'name':'ad_user_old','ldap_client_server': "<IP>", 'ldap_client_server_port': <Port>, 'ldap_base_dn': "<DC=dcname,DC=com>", 'ldap_search_dn': "<OU=ou_name>", 'ldap_bind_user': '<LDAP_username>', 'ldap_bind_user_password': "<LDAP_password>", "search_filter": "<search_filter>"},
            {'name':'ad_user_new','ldap_client_server': "<IP>", 'ldap_client_server_port': <Port>, 'ldap_base_dn': "<DC=dcname,DC=com>", 'ldap_search_dn': "<OU =ou_name>", 'ldap_bind_user': '<LDAP_username>', 'ldap_bind_user_password': "<LDAP_password>", "search_filter": "<search_filter>"},
            {'name':'ad_group_old','ldap_client_server': "<IP>", 'ldap_client_server_port': <Port>, 'ldap_base_dn': "<DC=dcname,DC=com>", 'ldap_search_dn': "<OU =ou_name>", 'ldap_bind_user': '<LDAP_username>', 'ldap_bind_user_password': "<LDAP_password>", "search_filter": "<search_filter>"},
            {'name':'ad_group_new','ldap_client_server': "<IP>", 'ldap_client_server_port': <Port>, 'ldap_base_dn': "<DC=dcname,DC=com>", 'ldap_search_dn': "<OU =ou_name>", 'ldap_bind_user': '<LDAP_username>', 'ldap_bind_user_password': "<LDAP_password>","search_filter":"<search_filter>"}]

ad_user_o = []
ad_user_n = []
ad_group_o = []
ad_group_n = []
for ldapdata_json in ldapdata:
    name = ldapdata_json.get('name','')
    result = []
    ldap_search_dn_list = []
    ldap_client_server = ldapdata_json['ldap_client_server']
    ldap_client_server_port = ldapdata_json['ldap_client_server_port']
    ldap_base_dn = ldapdata_json['ldap_base_dn']
    ldap_search_dn = ldapdata_json.get('ldap_search_dn','')
    ldap_bind_user = ldapdata_json['ldap_bind_user']
    ldap_bind_user_password = ldapdata_json['ldap_bind_user_password']
    ldap_search_filter = ldapdata_json['search_filter']
    #Organize the paths to be searched
    if ldap_search_dn:
        new_ldap_dn = ldap_search_dn + ',' + ldap_base_dn
        new_ldap_dn = ldap_base_dn
    if 'user' in name:
        attributes_list = ['sAMAccountname','objectSid','cn']
    elif 'group' in name:
        attributes_list = ['sAMAccountname','objectGUID','name']
    #create connection
    server = Server(host=ldap_client_server,port=int(ldap_client_server_port),get_info=ALL,connect_timeout=3)
    conn = Connection(server, ldap_bind_user, ldap_bind_user_password, auto_bind='NONE', version=3, authentication='SIMPLE', client_strategy='SYNC', auto_referrals=True, check_names=True, read_only=False, lazy=False, raise_exceptions= False)
    ldap_object = conn.extend.standard.paged_search(search_base=new_ldap_dn,
    for ldap in ldap_object:
    for idx in range(len(result)):
    if name == 'ad_user_old':
        ad_user_o = result_data
    elif name =='ad_user_new':
        ad_user_n = result_data
    elif name == 'ad_group_old':
        ad_group_o = result_data
    elif name == 'ad_group_new':
        ad_group_n = result_data

    ##ad_user compare and record
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.active
    ws.title = 'AD_user_compare'
    n_sAMAccountName = []
    o_sAMAccountName = []
    log = []
    #Get the pure sAMAccountName list of NEW AD
    for adUser in ad_user_n:
    #ad_user mapping and change sid
    for adUser in ad_user_o:
        user_sAMAccountName = adUser[username]
        user_sid = adUser['objectSid']
            search_idx = n_sAMAccountName.index(user_sAMAccountName)
            if user_sid != ad_user_n[search_idx]['objectSid']:
                    user = OmUser.objects.get(username=user_sAMAccountName)
                    user.ad_sid = ad_user_n[search_idx]['objectSid']
                    result = 'Change AD user ad_sid'
                    ws.append([adUser[nickname],adUser['objectSid'],adUser[username],'',result,'',ad_user_n[search_idx][nickname],ad_user_n[search_idx]['objectSid'],ad_user_n[ search_idx][username]])
                    log.append(f'User: {user.username} has successfully changed ad_sid')
                except Exception as e:
                    log.append(f'Unable to find user: {user_sAMAccountName} in DB, please check if there is any database change'+e.__str__())
                result = 'No changes'
                ws.append([adUser[nickname],adUser['objectSid'],adUser[username],'',result,'',ad_user_n[search_idx][nickname],ad_user_n[search_idx]['objectSid'],ad_user_n[ search_idx][username]])
                log.append(f'User: {user_sAMAccountName}, will be retained after migrating AD, and will not change the ad_no' of DB)
        except ValueError :
            result = 'Delete AD user'
            log.append(f'User: {user_sAMAccountName}, will be deleted after AD synchronization')
    n_user_set = set(n_sAMAccountName)
    o_user_set = set(o_sAMAccountName)
    blance = n_user_set - o_user_set
    if len(blance)>0:
        for newUser in blance:
            for sa in ad_user_n:
                if newUser == sa.get('sAMAccountName',''):
                    result = 'Add AD user'
                    log.append(f'User: {newUser}, will be added after AD synchronization')

    #ad_group compare and record
    ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title='AD_group_compare')
    n_sAMAccountName =[]
    o_sAMAccountName =[]
    for adGroup in ad_group_n:
    for adGroup in ad_group_o:
        group_sAMAccountName = adGroup[groupno]
        group_guid = adGroup['objectGUID']
            search_idx = n_sAMAccountName.index(group_sAMAccountName)
            if group_guid != ad_group_n[search_idx]['objectGUID']:
                    group = Group.objects.get(name=group_guid)
                    group.name = ad_group_n[search_idx]['objectGUID']
                    result = 'Change AD department'
                    ws2.append([adGroup[groupname],adGroup['objectGUID'],adGroup[groupno],'',result,'',ad_group_n[search_idx][groupname],ad_group_n[search_idx]['objectGUID'],ad_group_n[ search_idx][groupno]])
                    log.append(f'Department: {group.name} has successfully changed name')
                except Exception as e:
                    log.append(f'Unable to find department: {group_guid} in DB, please check if there is any database change'+e.__str__())
                result = 'No changes'
                ws2.append([adGroup[groupname],adGroup['objectGUID'],adGroup[groupno],'',result,'',ad_group_n[search_idx][groupname],ad_group_n[search_idx]['objectGUID'],ad_group_n[ search_idx][groupno]])
                log.append(f'Department: {group_guid}, will be retained after AD migration, and the name of DB will not be changed')    
        except ValueError :
            result = 'Delete AD department'
            log.append(f'Department: {group_guid}, will be deleted after AD synchronization')

    n_group_set = set(n_sAMAccountName)
    o_group_set = set(o_sAMAccountName)
    group_blance = n_group_set - o_group_set
    if len(group_blance)>0:
        for newgroup in group_blance:
            result = 'Add AD department'
            log.append(f'Department: The department whose sAMAccountName is {newgroup} will be added after AD synchronization')
except Exception as e:
    log.append('Failed to connect to DB')

with open(r'C:\Users\futures\moveADlog.txt','w',encoding='UTF-8') as file3:
    for line in log:

Last updated