
Query department information that meets specific conditions

*Method: POST

  • URL:/rest/accounts/api/group/list/

  • Input parameters (postbody): The sample format is as follows.

All APIs must obtain a security code (security) before using it. For how to obtain it, please refer to the chapter [RESTAPI > Security Code].

	"security" : "<security code>",
	"omflow_restapi" : 1,
	"org_name" : [],
	"org_no" : []
  1. security: required, security code.

  2. omflow_restapi: required, 1.

  3. org_no: Optional, department code, multiple department codes can be placed in the array. (Choose one from the department name)

  4. org_name: Optional, department name, multiple department names can be placed in the array. (Choose one with department code)

**If the department code and department name are both left blank, all departments will be returned. **

API return example is as follows:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Query successful.",
    "result": [
            "id": <department number>,
            "group_no": <department code>,
            "display_name": <department name>,
            "parent_group_id": <parent department number>,
            "description": <Department description>

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