Use Docker

Use Docker

You can use OMFLOW Server directly through Docker Hub, eliminating the need for installation steps.


Use docker search omflow to search, and you can see that there are two types: open and server. Open is the open source version, and server is the free version. Different versions have different authorization methods, so pay special attention to this part.

Download OMFLOW

If you want to use the open source version, use this command to download the latest version of omflow

docker pull omflow/open

If you want to use the free/enterprise version, use this command to download the latest version of omflow

docker pull omflow/server

Start as omflow container

First use the docker images command to confirm that you already have the image of omflow/server or omflow/open and its version number.

Then start omflow image. For detailed commands and parameters, please refer to the Docker file.

Open source version

docker run --name omflow -it -d -p omflow/open

Free/Enterprise version

docker run --name omflow -it -d -p omflow/server

Start service

docker exec -it omflow_1151 /opt/omflow/server/omflow_server start

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