Query Form


All APIs must obtain a security code (security) before using it. For how to obtain it, please refer to the chapter [RESTAPI > Security Code].

*Method: POST

  • URL:/rest/flowmanage/api/omdata/list/<api path>

  • Input parameters (postbody): The sample format is as follows.

For how to query the api path, please refer to the chapter [Application Management > Application Design].

	"security" : "<security code>",
	"omflow_restapi" : 1,
	"search_conditions" : [],
	"search_columns" : [],
	"exclude_conditions" : [],
	"order_columns" : [],
	"limit" : 100,
	"start" : 0

For detailed introduction of parameters, please refer to the chapter [RESTAPI > My Tasks].

When successful, the returned data example is as follows:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Query successful.",
    "result": [
            "id": 3, #Also known as data_id, a necessary parameter when pushing an order
            "flow_uuid": "1c192a11-842a-4439-8bd2-b4e0c1226c97",
            "dataid_header": "",
            "data_no": 2, #Order number
            "history": true, #Whether it is historical data
            "status": "New",
            "title": "1",
            "level": "yellow",py
            "group": "",
            "closed": false, #Whether to close the order
            "stop_uuid": "FITEM_15-FITEM_2",
            "stop_chart_type": null,
            "stop_chart_text": "Standard change classification and status",
            "running": false, #Whether it is in execution state
            "error": false, #Whether it is in an abnormal state
            "createtime": "2020-07-15T15:44:06.670",
            "updatetime": "2020-07-15T15:44:06.672",
            "stoptime": "2020-07-15T15:44:06.977",
            "create_user_id": "kai",
            "update_user_id": "kai",
            "data_param": "",
            "error_message": null,
            "init_data_id": 3,
            "is_child": false, #Whether it is a child order
            "formitm_1": null,
            "formitm_2": null,
            "formitm_3": ""
        },...<and so on>

In case of failure, the returned data example is as follows:

    "status": 404,
    "message": "The query failed, the error message is as follows: <error message>",
    "result": []

Last updated